Caring for the Australian-Turkish Community

We are here to help

Helping provide shelter

Supporting the community

Open Monday to Friday

About Us

The Turkish Welfare Association was established in Marrickville in 1969 under the name ‘Syndey Turkish Association’. As a result of changes, in 1974 it was renamed to the Turkish Welfare Association. The Turkish Welfare Association works to provide support and advocacy for the Turkish Community in Australia. All activities are open to all communities. Helping those with the inability to communicate in English and supporting them through differing pandemics.

We provide counseling, financial support and other services to people who are in need. Primarily focusing on elderly individuals and unemployed young people. This allows us to aid both the future generations to come along with the past generations. Inevitably, allowing the two different generations to work side by side. Follow our Facebook Page to view all the work we are doing to help our people within the community.

A Little Help Goes a Long Way

Our Aim

To support everyone within the community and to be sure everyone is playing their part.

English Lessons

Helping Elderly

Community Service

Emotional Aid

Connect With Your Community

Catch-up with all the latest news and event going around in your community with the only Turkish Community Newspaper

Issue 75

Our Intentions

Our Vision

There are many different people out there who deserve to have the same life as everyone, the same chances and the same opportunities. Our vision is to enhance a community with the intentions of promoting equality and dignity amongst all. A community where there complete recognition of a persons rights and responsibilities.

Our Mission

To Enhance the support, integration, growth and development of many differing Turkish-speaking communities from diverse backgrounds who settled in Australia due to many reasons and to help them integrate within the Australian society in which there is full recognition of individual rights and responsibilities.

Our Value

To ensure all individuals within the Turkish community understand and know that we are here for you. We hope for everyone to be responsible for themselves along with being committed to working with in completing their own goals. Above all, the main aim is to focus on being honest and true to yourself.

Our Contribution Towards The Community.

Contribution TO Community
Positive feedback
English Language

Community Work and Gathering

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